Tuesday, December 3, 2013

One Month Anniversary!

For those having partner, they celebrate their love anniversary. Even though I'm single, I also have the anniversary lolz. one of which is being assigned to support and assist the client to test my company product and servicec. It was exactly 1 month sitting in client's office. Even though I was in client office to assist them for testing, most of the time the task I have done were not related to the support but a stack of new tasks from boss which are in a pending list. I don't complain with the tasks being assigned but I just wonder how I'm going to deliver a good app with short amount of time (pack deadline) and pending project in the list. I once think about FIFO (First in First Out). It seemed work well for a day but the following day everything change because boss needed my help for other task (pop-up task). I thought I have left the word pop-up at UTP lolz, but It turns out this word keep coming to haunt me.

P.S: Stay Positive and Smile to Your Problem.


Sopha said...

I'm too free I'm going to fall asleep now.... zzzzzzzzzzz

gäãra-dě-sañd said...

u can't work as in FIFO. It has to be priority based. So every morning, revise ur list and reorder the priority.

Jerry said...

@garra: I have done the priority list lolz. But it turns out to be a failure then I try FIFO. It failed again. Now no list!!! Do whatever boss asking to do first!!! If it turns out nothing finish then It is not my fault. It is boss fault hasha. Requirement always change. Product is always in alpha testing not even in beta testing hasha.