Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Study -> Work -> ?

What will happen next? I also don't know what will happen, but I have already set a mission. Hopefully, I will get it by the end of this year.

I hope it will be legen............wait for it.........dary.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


មនុស្សខ្លះអស់កែហើយ គិតនោះគិតតែរបស់គ្មានប្រយោជន៍របស់កាកល្អិត ចង់តែកេងចំណេញលើគេ​ អាសូរតែអត់ទៅវាមិនថាទេ។ ទោះជាវាមិនប៉ះពាល់ខ្ញុំពិតមែន តែមើលទៅគួរអោយទើសភ្នែកមែនទែន ឃើញអាធុននឹងច្រើននោះច្រើនម្ល៉េះហាសហា។ ទោះជាខ្ញុំមិនចំណាយច្រើន ក៏ខ្ញុំមិនកេងពីគេដែរនាំថោក។

ចំណាំ៖ អ្នកខ្លះសប្បាយចិត្តនឹងអោយគេកេងចំណេញ។

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

One Month Anniversary!

For those having partner, they celebrate their love anniversary. Even though I'm single, I also have the anniversary lolz. one of which is being assigned to support and assist the client to test my company product and servicec. It was exactly 1 month sitting in client's office. Even though I was in client office to assist them for testing, most of the time the task I have done were not related to the support but a stack of new tasks from boss which are in a pending list. I don't complain with the tasks being assigned but I just wonder how I'm going to deliver a good app with short amount of time (pack deadline) and pending project in the list. I once think about FIFO (First in First Out). It seemed work well for a day but the following day everything change because boss needed my help for other task (pop-up task). I thought I have left the word pop-up at UTP lolz, but It turns out this word keep coming to haunt me.

P.S: Stay Positive and Smile to Your Problem.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

ឆ្នាំ ខ្ទើយញ៉ែ!

អីយូយ! ឆ្នាំនេះដូចជាកាក់កបនោះកាក់កប បើរឿងរាប់អានមិត្តវិញ ជួបតែខ្ទើយ មិនថាខ្ទើយចង្អឹង រឺសាច់ដុំទេ ដូចជាឈ្វាក់នោះឈ្វាក់! ខំស្ទើរគ្រប់វិធីហើយនៅតែសុំធ្វើមិត្តបានទៀត មានទាំងដាក់រូបភាព និងប្រវត្តិរូប ក្លែងក្លាយទៀតហាសហា។ មេរៀន៖ កុំចេះតែរាប់មិត្តថ្មី ហាសហា។

ពេលខ្លះចេះតែអនុញ្ញត្តិធ្វើជាមិត្តទៅអោយតែគេសុំ កុំអោយគេថាវាយរឹក និង​ ពេលខ្លះមិត្តភក្តិដទៃជាអ្នកណែនាំ ខំជឿស្លុងថាស្រីស្រស់សំរស់ស្អាត។​​ឆ្លើយសារចុះឡើងតាពីរ បីសារ ចាប់ផ្តើមចូលសាច់រឿងហើយ ហាសហ។​ សារគេដូចជាយកលំនាំតាមគ្នាចឹង សួរម្តងៗ គឺគ្មានអីក្រៅពី មានសង្សារនៅ?​ បើឆ្លើយថាអត់, តាំងសួរថាស្រលាញ់ប្រុស រឺស្រី? ម្ចាស់ថ្លៃ! របៀបគេសូរមកតាម៉ាកៗនឹង!

ខ្ញុំអាចធ្វើជាមិត្តបានមិនរើសអើងទេ តែបើសុំធ្វើសង្សារសុំអភ័យទោសជាមុន។

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Seriously!!! Assign New Task on Friday!!!

Seriously, I want a clear head on the weekends. What do you expect from me by assigning a new tasks on Friday while a few old tasks are yet to be settled? It is not a good management from my point of view. It is called taking advantage.

It is not the first time and I expect it is not the last time either. I just fullfilled my old promise to help out after I finish my study anyways. The relationship will fade soon if it keeps going on like this.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Lying is not good!

It is not professional at all lying to your clients or customers about what you can offer but those offerings doesn't exist yet. I know I'm not a good dealer but I know one thing if you are be trustful to people, they might one day thinking about you.

When people lie in front of my face, i just keep quiet. I just don't want anyone to lose face. To me lying to get my own benefit is bad but lying for the sake of defend or prevent some bad things to happen is good.

Be honest my friend!!!

Do Good!!! Receive Good!!!

I always believe in "Do good!!! Receive good!!!

Do Good!!!
Today I offerred a little help to a blind oldie guy on the way back home at the Monorail station. I didn't receive anything from anyone in return but I feel happy. I just wonder why no one bothered to look at how difficult for him to go up the stair. It happened that I and the oldie guy went to the same destination. When we arrived the destination, I sat and waited to be the last one to get out of the train and see if anyone offerred help to the oldie. But, it turned out to be a disappointed. At last, it was me who helped him.

 Receive Good!!!
Good thing did happen!!! I almost missed my bus home. Believe me! If I miss that bus, I don't know how long I'm going to wait for the next bus. The longest record was 1 hour and 30 minutes. When I almost arrived the bus stand, the bus prepared to leave the stand. I just tried my luck chasing behind the bus. The traffic light ahead suddenly turned red. Here I was! The bus driver opened the door for me.

Be Positive!!!
Some people might think that I was late catching my bus because I was wasting my time helping the oldie. But It is even more tortured for me to wait for the bus to arrive. Crowded people with the smoke from cigarettes. Catching the bus at the moment I had arrived was the best. It was actually a perfect timing if I didn't throw my eyes to some chicks with ...................
P.S: Nah I'm not a pervert lolz. I just enjoy sightseeing.